In 1980, Tilleke & Gibbins played a pivotal role in securing justice for Rita Nightingale, a British expatriate who was imprisoned for 34 months in Thailand on drug trafficking charges. Ms. Nightingale’s trial and eventual royal pardon are detailed in this article from Business Times Week magazine.
In representing Ms. Nightingale after her initial conviction, David and Albert Lyman submitted crucial evidence that had previously been missing and may have been tampered with by Thai authorities before the trial. The evidence strengthened Ms. Nightingale’s contention that she was unaware of the drugs hidden in her suitcase when she was arrested at Bangkok’s Don Muang airport. On the basis of the new evidence, Tilleke & Gibbins submitted a request for the pardon, which was issued by His Majesty the King in January of 1980.
In addition to this article in Business Times Week, a detailed description of Ms. Nightingale’s case is provided in Wise Counsel: A History of Tilleke & Gibbins.