Areeya Pornwiriyangkura, an attorney-at-law in Tilleke & Gibbins, is due to speak at an anti-bribery training workshop hosted by TRACE International. The workshop will feature a number of prominent local and foreign business people who are familiar with the challenges of international commercial transactions. Areeya will give an update on recent anti-corruption activities and cases in Thailand. The following main topics will also be discussed:
TRACE International is a nonprofit association that aims to provide anti-bribery advice to multinational companies. Tilleke & Gibbins is the exclusive TRACE Partner Law Firm in Thailand, with TRACE granting our firm this position in recognition of our “exceptional experience in and knowledge of anti-bribery laws and related compliance matters.” The workshop will be held on April 28, 2014, at The Fullerton Hotel in Singapore, and Areeya will be speaking from 4.30 p.m. to 5 p.m. Singapore time. If you would like to learn more about the event, please visit the TRACE website.