April 29, 2024
Cambodia Institutes Steam Energy Permit Requirement

On November 4, 2021, Cambodia’s Ministry of Mines and Energy (MME) issued a Prakas No. 0305 on Management of the Steam Energy Subsector within the Energy Sector. The prakas aims to regulate steam energy operations, and requires companies wishing to develop, build, install, or operate steam energy to apply for a steam energy license.

As this is the first prakas regulating steam energy operations in Cambodia, all relevant companies operating in steam energy must apply for a steam energy license with the MME.

Prakas 0305 discusses permits for three types of activities:

  • Development, Construction, Installation, and Operation of Steam Energy. Companies wishing to develop, build, install, and operate steam energy production facilities must first apply for a permit from the MME.
  • Steam Energy Service Provision. Companies wishing to develop, build, install, and operate steam energy for the purpose of supplying steam energy to consumers must apply for a permit for steam energy service provider in addition to a permit for development, construction, installation, and operation of steam energy.
  • Two-in-One Steam Energy and Electricity Production. Companies wishing to develop and operate both steam energy and electricity production activities must also apply for a permit for two-in-one steam energy and electricity production.

Companies operating without the necessary permits are subject to a daily fine of KHR 400,000–4,000,000 (approx. USD 100–1,000). In addition, they may face other penalties, including:

  • An order to halt business activities;
  • Permit suspension;
  • Permit revocation;
  • Judicial action; and
  • Other legal measures as the MME deems fit.

For more information on regulations and requirements for steam energy licenses in Cambodia, please contact Tilleke & Gibbins at [email protected].

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