July 2, 2024
Noppramart Thammateeradaycho Reappointed to ICC Court of Arbitration

On July 1, 2024, the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) announced the reappointment of Noppramart Thammateeradaycho as the Thailand member of its Court of Arbitration. Noppramart will serve another three-year term, from 2024 to 2027.

The ICC Court of Arbitration is one of the world’s leading arbitral institutions, managing disputes involving major global companies. Membership in the court is a prestigious honor, with members selected from top law firms in their respective jurisdictions.

Noppramart has actively participated in various sessions of the court, including a recent meeting in Singapore, where she engaged with representatives from prominent law firms and multinational companies.

Tilleke & Gibbins congratulates Noppramart on her reappointment and looks forward to her continued contributions to the field of arbitration.

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Noppramart Thammateeradaycho
+66 2653 5790