Cambodia imports a substantial amount of food products to meet its domestic demand. Most of these imported products are from nearby ASEAN countries, with Thailand, Malaysia, and Vietnam providing the bulk of these food imports. However, food products from markets further away are becoming more popular each year, including brands from Australia, Japan, China, the EU, South-Korea, and the US. Many food product owners and distributors do not realize that all types of prepackaged food products, including imports, require product registration before they are permitted to be sold in Cambodia. This usually requires an assessment against mandatory Cambodian Standards and local technical regulations. There are general Cambodian Standards that cover all types of prepackaged food products, as well as product-specific standards and regulations that may be applicable. Furthermore, any type of prepackaged food product sold in Cambodia must bear a Khmer language label that meets the minimum consumer information standards, and the Cambodian Standards. This label requirement is often overlooked, with many products on the market bearing only a foreign language label. Product Registration & Labeling Requirements Back in 2000, a Cambodian Standard on prepackaged food labeling was adopted, clearly mandating Khmer language labeling for all types of prepackaged foods. Unfortunately, this labeling standard was not widely adopted by the industry, and even today compliance is low. Low compliance, combined with a lack of widespread enforcement efforts, led to a misguided understanding that imported food products were not subject to any standards, did not require product registration, and were not required to bear Khmer language labeling. Recent legal developments related to consumer protection and food safety clarified several of these misunderstandings. For example, the regulations clearly state that all types of food product must meet the applicable standards and technical regulations, which is assessed through registration. The new Law