On November 20, 2013, the Euromoney Legal Media Group will hold its third annual Asia Women in Business Law Awards at the Conrad Hotel in Hong Kong. For the third year in a row, Tilleke & Gibbins has been recognized for its commitment to the advancement of women in the legal profession. The firm awards will be judged on a range of factors, predominately initiatives for gender diversity, innovation, minority women, mentoring, work-life balance, pro bono work, and talent management.
Tilleke & Gibbins and our lawyers have been shortlisted for awards in the following five categories:
- Patent and Trademark Prosecution – Darani Vachanavuttivong
- Real Estate – Cynthia M. Pornavalai
- Rising Star in IP – Sukontip Jitmongkolthong
- Country Awards – Thailand
- Firm Awards – Best National Firm for Work-Life Balance
This follows two previous years, in 2011 and 2012, in which our firm was named “Best Firm in Thailand” by Euromoney.
For more information on the Asia Women in Business Law Awards, please visit the IFLR website.