Written for business operators who are new to the country, Intellectual Property in Thailand: Registration, Protection, Commercialization provides a helpful introduction to IP issues under Thai law. This Q&A guide reviews the legal framework for trademarks, patents, copyrights, and trade secrets, from registration processes through licensing and enforcement of rights. The guide also introduces IP owners to the benefits of intellectual asset management programs designed to help companies extract maximum value from their IP.
October 18, 2022
Patent specialists from Tilleke & Gibbins have contributed the Myanmar chapter to the 2023 edition of Patents: Practical Cross-Border Insights into Patent Law from International Comparative Legal Guides (ICLG), published by Global Legal Group. This comprehensive guide provides readers with an in-depth look at patent laws and regulations in 23 jurisdictions around the world. Each chapter of the guide, which is in Q&A format, is organized into eight sections: Patent Enforcement Patent Amendment Licensing Patent Term Extension Patent Prosecution and Opposition Border Control Measures Antitrust Law and Inequitable Conduct Current Developments The complete Myanmar chapter is available as a PDF below. The Myanmar chapter—and the full Patents guide—are also freely available on the ICLG website.