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November 23, 2011

New Measures to Counter IP Infringement

Informed Counsel

Tilleke & Gibbins is introducing a new in-house investigation unit, a consumer hotline on counterfeit goods, and a coalition-based approach to dealing with landlords, as detailed below.

Tilleke & Gibbins Investigation Unit

We are pleased to introduce our in-house investigation team headed by Mr. Thammares Kittayatham. The Investigation Unit has recently been established as part of the firm’s Intellectual Property Department, so that we can better serve, and respond to the needs of, IP owners and enhance our IP enforcement efforts.

Thammares has dedicated his skills and knowledge to the investigation and IP enforcement field for over 20 years. Prior to joining Tilleke & Gibbins, he was previously the Head of the Investigation and Suppression team for leading international movie and music associations, tasked with handling anti-piracy activities and government affairs in Thailand. The staff members of both the investigation and the enforcement team in the Tilleke & Gibbins IP Investigation Unit are professionally trained, reliable, trustworthy, and experienced individuals.

For more information on our investigation capabilities, please contact

Report Thai Fakes Hotline

A hotline (+66 2653 5665) and an e-mail address ( have been created by Tilleke & Gibbins specifically for the purpose of receiving information relating to IP piracy and infringement activities from members of the public. Through the hotline, Thais and foreigners can report tips on the existence of counterfeit or pirated goods, or other forms of IP infringement, occurring anywhere in Thailand or even in other countries. When receiving such information, our hotline response team will preliminarily verify its accuracy and the reliability of the source, while also investigating any relevant additional information about the infringement. We will then report the matter to the concerned IP owners.

Landlord Liability Action Project

As a means of tackling the problem of counterfeiting in Thailand, many IP owners have expressed an interest in holding landlords liable for IP infringements by their tenants. To accomplish this, Tilleke & Gibbins has been working with many of our top clients to forge coalitions of IP owners dedicated to pursuing actions against landlords. Through such cooperation, IP owners can increase their leverage in negotiating with the owners of well-known shopping malls and department stores in Thailand. In our experience, this type of collective action can lead to much more effective results for IP owners.

For more information about how we can help you to build coalitions within your industry and negotiate with landlords to stop IP infringement, we invite you to contact us at