Attorneys from Tilleke & Gibbins’ intellectual property group in Bangkok have contributed the Thailand chapter to the recently published second edition of International Copyright Law: A Practical Global Guide. The updated edition of the book, which was first published in 2013, contains in-depth chapters on the legal framework for copyright from specialists in over 30 jurisdictions worldwide. The Thailand chapter was written by Ploynapa Julagasigorn, senior associate; Darani Vachanavuttivong, managing partner and managing director of the firm’s intellectual property group; and Suebsiri Taweepon, partner. The chapter outlines the types of work that can be protected, formalities for and duration of protection, rules relating to the ownership of copyright works, and infringement. The topics are as follows: Copyright treaties and conventions: Berne Convention and TRIPS Agreement. What can be protected: Work definition, criteria, and specific works. Formalities for protection: Thailand’s Department of Intellectual Property. Duration of protection: Literary, dramatic, musical, artistic, photographic, and audiovisual works; audio and video broadcasts; sound recordings; cinematographic work; applied art; and computer programs. Ownership of works: Initial ownership, commissioned works and works made in the course of employment, and assignment and licensing. Infringement: Primary and secondary infringement. Rights: Moral and performers’ rights. Defenses: Fair dealing/use, private use, internet safe harbors, temporary copying, and other key defenses. Enforcement of foreign copyright: Application of Copyright Act to works by foreign creators, judicial procedures, and penalties. International Copyright Law: A Practical Guide helps counsel and other professionals at multinational companies understand the varying copyright laws and practices in jurisdictions around the world, and is a resource for private-practice lawyers doing copyright-related intellectual property work. For more details, and to order the guide, please see the Globe Law and Business website. An excerpt from the Thailand chapter is available as a PDF through the button below.