December 4, 2024
On October 28, 2024, Indonesia officially amended its existing Patent Law when the president ratified Law Number 65 of 2024. This comprehensive update—the third such amendment in the history of Indonesia’s Patent Law—introduces several key changes that will significantly impact patent protection and application processes in Indonesia.
Key highlights and changes are outlined below.
Definition of Invention
The new law broadens the definition of “invention” to explicitly include systems, methods, and uses. Additionally, the law introduces formal definitions for traditional knowledge and genetic resources.
Patentability Criteria
Notable changes include:
Computer programs are now excluded, with an exception for computer-implemented inventions.
Theories and methods in science and mathematics are added to the list of excluded inventions.
Previous restrictions on new uses of existing products are removed.
Grace Periods
The grace periods for some patent-related actions have been adjusted:
The grace period for disclosures has been extended to 12 months (from 6 months previously), providing inventors with more flexibility in filing patent applications after initial disclosure.
A newly introduced item is the grace period for a conventional patent application claiming priority rights, which is 4 months after the 12-month filing deadline under the Paris Convention.
The grace period for annuity payments is 6 months (from 12 months previously) with a fine for late payments of 100% of the annual fee payable.
Patent Holder Rights and Obligations
Patent holders can now grant permissions to enforce patents. There is a new requirement for patent holders to submit annual statements on patent implementation in Indonesia.
Compulsory Licensing
Significant changes to compulsory licensing include:
Establishment of licenses based on the principle of expediency.
Limitations on license scope and transferability.
Prioritization of domestic market needs.
New provisions for technical improvements and economic significance.
Government Patent Exploitation
The new law contains specific provisions for the government’s implementation of patents related to the import and export of pharmaceutical products for the treatment of human diseases.
Administrative Procedures
There are a number of key