October 1, 2024
The Indonesian food and drug authority, also known as “BPOM,” issued a draft regulation on September 9, 2024, proposing standard labeling disclosing the sugar, salt, and fat content of packaged food products sold in the country.
The draft Regulation on Nutritional Value Information on Food Labels to implement Government Regulation No. 28 of 2024 on the Implementation of the Health Law seeks to mandate “Nutri-Level” front-of-pack nutrition labeling to indicate the amount of sugar, salt, and fat at four possible levels, with a modified stoplight-color system:
Level “A” (lowest amount) has a dark green background
Level “B” has a light green background
Level “C” has a yellow background
Level “D” (highest amount) has a red background
These levels are shown in the following sample image:
The requirements for sugar, salt, and fat content for each level are based on amounts per 100 milliliters of ready-to-eat processed food as follows:
Further requirements relating to nutrients reflected in the Nutri-Level labeling include:
Foods labeled as level A are not allowed to contain natural or artificial sweetening food additives, either through direct addition or carried over from other ingredients.
Foods labeled as level B may only contain natural sweetening food additives.
Foods labeled as level C or D may use natural and artificial sweetening food additives.
“Sugar” includes all monosaccharides and disaccharides, excluding lactose.
Processed plain liquid milk and plain milk powder are exempt from the requirement to declare total fat content on the Nutri-Level label.
Labeling Implementation
The implementation of Nutri-Level labeling must comply with the following requirements:
The Nutri-Level label must list all four letters (as shown in the examples below) unless the package meets the criteria for display of a simplified format label.
The Nutri-Level of the processed food must be indicated by enlarging the relevant letter, as shown in the examples below.
Processed foods at levels C and D must include a Nutri-Level label, while processed