March 8, 2022
Attorneys from Tilleke & Gibbins’ Bangkok office have authored the Thailand chapter in Pharmaceutical Advertising 2022 from Chambers & Partners.
Pharmaceutical Advertising 2022—the fifth annual edition of this practice guide—provides information on pharmaceutical advertising regulations in 18 jurisdictions around the world. The guidance is especially useful for pharmaceutical manufacturers looking to share their products and innovations with the public in a responsible, transparent way that is compliant with local laws.
The Thailand chapter covers the following topics:
Regulatory Framework for pharmaceutical advertising
Scope of advertising and general principles
Advertising of unauthorized medicines or unauthorized indications
Advertising pharmaceuticals to the general public
Advertising to healthcare professionals
Vetting requirements and internal verification compliance
Advertising of medicinal products on the internet
Inducement and antibribery
Gifts, hospitality, congresses and related payments
Transparency considerations for pharmaceutical companies
Enforcement of pharmaceutical advertising rules
Chambers & Partners’ Global Practice Guides provide in-house counsel with expert legal commentary focusing on practical legal issues affecting business, and enable readers to compare legislation and relevant procedures across a range of key jurisdictions.
Tilleke & Gibbins also contributed the Vietnam chapter to the guide. The full Pharmaceutical Advertising 2022 guide—including the Thailand chapter—is available for free on the Chambers and Partners website.
The Thailand chapter is also available as a PDF through the button below.