August 31, 2021
A new regulation from Thailand’s Ministry of Interior grants a three-year extension for obtaining an alteration permit or a certificate to change the use of a hotel building. The eligibility period—which had been scheduled to expire on August 18, 2021—is now open until August 18, 2024. The extension was announced in the Government Gazette on August 6, 2021, after Ministerial Regulation Prescribing the Descriptions of Other Types of Buildings Which Can Be Used for a Hotel Business Operation (No. 3) B.E. 2564 (2021) was issued on August 2.
The regulation, which is issued under the Building Control Act B.E. 2522 (1979), specifies which types of buildings can be used as “hotels providing accommodation only,” and which types can serve as “hotels providing accommodations and a restaurant, or a place for serving or cooking food.” This is the third such regulation, with previous versions being issued in 2016 and 2018 prescribing standards of the qualified buildings.
The previous regulations set requirements for the following building features:
The width of walkways in the building;
The width and length of ladders;
The maximum loading weight in all parts of the building; and
The number of standard fire extinguishers installed on each floor.
Moreover, the previous ministerial regulations stipulate that the building’s boundaries, height, space from other buildings, setback, and parking lots must comply with the building control regulations effective at the time of construction or alteration. These regulations also include requirements on additional fire alarm systems and emergency lighting system, as well as details on the fire escapes and ladders for buildings over a certain size.
For more information on property and building regulations in Thailand, please contact Chaiwat Keratisuthisathorn at [email protected] or +66 2056 5507.