January 19, 2024
On November 24, 2023, the National Assembly of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam adopted Law No. 24/2023/QH15 on Telecommunications (“Telecom Law 2023”) after a lengthy period of extensive discussions and revisions. The Telecom Law 2023 is set to take effect on July 1, 2024, except for the requirements relating to basic telecom services on the internet (otherwise known as over-the-top services, or “OTT”), data center services, and cloud computing services, which will take effect on January 1, 2025.
Some important highlights of the Telecom Law 2023 are discussed below.
Updates on Telecom License Requirements
With a few exceptions and save for certain types of telecom services, enterprises in Vietnam are required to obtain Telecom Licenses in order to provide telecom services. There are two types of Telecom Licenses: licenses for the provision of telecom services, and licenses for telecom operations.
Telecom Licenses can be granted in two forms. The first is separate licensing, which is for telecom services with network infrastructures that use radio frequencies or operate in areas with special requirements set by the government. The second is group licensing, which covers telecom services with network infrastructure (except in certain cases), telecom services without network infrastructure (except in certain cases), and telecom operations.
New Regulations for OTT, Data Center, and Cloud Computing Services
The Telecom Law 2023 provides the definitions for OTT services, data center services, and cloud computing services, recognizing them as different types of telecom services. It also outlines the rights and obligations of service providers in these fields.
Regarding market-entry conditions, foreign direct investments in OTT services, data center services, and cloud computing services are subject to no restrictions on share ownership ratio or capital contribution. Foreign investors can establish 100% foreign-owned enterprises in Vietnam to offer these services.
Enterprises offering these services are not required to obtain Telecom Licenses, but must adhere