March 7, 2022
Attorneys from Tilleke & Gibbins wrote the Thailand chapter for Licensing 2022, a comprehensive guide from Lexology Getting the Deal Through to licensing in 17 countries around the world. Two specialists from Tilleke & Gibbins’ Bangkok office—Alan Adcock, partner and deputy director of intellectual property, and Kasama Sriwatanakul, senior associate—authored the Licensing 2021 Thailand chapter, which covers the following topics:
Laws: Unfair Contract Terms Act, Trade Competition Act, pre-contractual disclosure, registration of international licensing, implied obligations, Civil and Commercial Code, Trademark Act, Patent Act, and Trade Secrets Act.
Intellectual property issues: Paris Convention for the Protection of Industrial Property, PCT, TRIPs. Contesting the validity of licensor’s IP rights, invalidity and expiry of IP rights, evidence of use, licensing unregistered IP, opposability requirements, sub-licensing, co-owners, trade secrets, and copyright.
Software licensing: Perpetual licensing, import/export restrictions, improvements and modifications, user restrictions, and legal developments.
Competition law: Trade Competition Act, specific restrictions on licensing agreements, and significant court decisions.
Indemnification, disclaimers, and damages: Prevalence and enforceability of indemnity provisions and contractual waivers of damages.
Termination: Conditions, indemnity, agency, and impact on sub-licenses.
Bankruptcy: Impact of licensee bankruptcy on licensor and vice versa, protection, and rights to terminate.
Dispute resolution: Governing law, arbitration, enforcement, injunctions, contractual waivers
Royalties and payments: Currency conversion, tax, remittance restrictions, and jurisdiction-specific payments.
The Thailand chapter is available below as a PDF.
Tilleke & Gibbins also contributed the Vietnam chapter to Licensing 2022. To browse all 17 jurisdictions covered by the guide, please visit the Getting the Deal Through website.